Česká Jezdecká Federace - východočeská oblast

Závod 05.08.2005 - 07.08.2005

MF265 (Dostihový spolek a.s.)
Datum konání:
05.08.2005 - 07.08.2005
Místo konání:




R O Z P I S.

Mistrovství České republiky ve všestrannosti 2005.
Děti a Junioři.

1.Základní údaje:

1.1.Pořadatel : Česká jezdecká federace

1.2.Technické zajištění : Dostihový spolek a.s. MF - 265
Pražská 607, 530 00 PARDUBICE

1.3.Termín: 5.8. - 7.8. 2005. (při CIC* a CIC)
1.4.Místo konání: PARDUBICE - dostihové závodiště
1.5.Kolbiště: travnaté
1.6.Opracoviště: travnaté

1.7.Funkcionáři závodů:
Čestný president: Jiří Stříteský - primátor města Pardubic
President soutěže: Ing. Arch. Miroslav Petráň
Tajemník závodů: Ing. Jiří Kunát
Ředitel závodů: Mgr. Petr Pucandl

Sbor rozhodčích:
MČR-C/J Ilona Matoušková st. - hlavní
PhDr. Joan Dominová - člen sboru

MČR-C/Ch Ing. Miloš Mentlík - hlavní
Zdeněk Kusý - člen sboru

Technický delegát: Ing. Antonín Klauz
Autor trati: Jaroslav Grodl
Asistent: Jiří Bělohlav

Komisař závodů: Ing. Jan Metelka
Asistent: Bohumír Rejnek
Asistent: mgr. Erich Lust

Veterinární delegát: MVDr. Ivan Jeník
Veterinář závodů: MVDr.Rostislav Hyksa

Hlasatel: Ing. Milada Barešová

2. Technické údaje:

2.1.Předpisy: PJS, jejich doplňky a ustanovení tohoto rozpisu
2.2.Podmínka účasti: splnění kvalifikačních kriterií určených ČJF pro MČR na rok 2005,potvrzené manažerem komise všestrannosti.

2.3. Soutěže:

I. Mistrovství ČR - C/jun.
Technické podmínky:

Drezurní zkouška : FEI CIC* 2005/A obdélník 20x60
pracovní obdélník 20x60,
Terénní zkouška : D - 2500 - 3200 m, 500 m/min, max. 30 sk. do 100 cm
Skoková zkouška : 350 - 450 m, 350 m/min, př/sk: 10 - 11/13, 110 cm

II. Mistrovství ČR - C/ ch.
Technické podmínky:
Drezurní zkouška : FEI CIC* 2005/A obdélník 20x60
pracovní obdélník 20x60
Terénní zkouška : D - 2000 - 2500 m, 500 m/min, max. 20 sk. do 90 cm
Skoková zkouška : 350 - 450 m, 350 m/min, př/sk: 9 / 10, 100 cm

III. Rámcové soutěže ve všestrannosti:

1. Soutěž ve všestrannosti st. CNC*.
Sportovně technické podmínky : jako u soutěže I. - MČR-C/jun.
Zápisné do soutěže : 800,- Kč
Ceny: 15.000,- Kč (5.000,-, 3.500,-, 2.500,-, 2.300,-, 1.700,-)

2. Soutěž ve všestrannosti st. Z.
Sportovně technické podmínky : jako u soutěže II. - MČR-C/ch.
Zápisné do soutěže : 500,- Kč

Ceny:10.000,- Kč (3.300,- 2.200,- 1.500,- 1.200,- 800,- 500,- 500,-)

Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo omezit počet startujících v rámcových soutěžích, případně soutěže zrušit v závislosti na počtu startů v MČR, CIC*a CIC.
Upřednostněni jsou účastníci CIC , CIC* a MČR.

3. Všeobecné údaje:

3.1.Přihlážky : Jaroslav GRODL Čejov 12, 396 01 HUMPOLEC
3.2.Uzávěrka přihlášek: jmenovitých - 30. července 2005.
konečných - při prezentaci
3.3.Prezentace: ukončení prezentace 4.8.2005 v 17.00 hodin

3.4.Technická porada+deklarace startu: 4.8.2005 ve 20.00hodin
3.5.Ustájení: pořadatel zajišťuje dle závazné objednávky v přihlášce
v ceně 700,- Kč za koně a pobyt.
(vnitřní box - 850,- Kč)
3.6.Stravování: možnost stravování v areálu závodiště
3.7.Úhrady: veškeré náklady spojené s účastí na závodech hradí vysílající složka
3.8.Odpovědnost: pořadatel nenese odpovědnost za úrazy jezdců, koní ani diváků.
3.9.Stížnosti a námitky: v souladu s PJS
3.10.Kancelář závodů: v tiskovém středisku závodiště

4. Veterinární podmínky:
4.1.Před vyložením koní předloží vedoucí transportu příslušná veterinární osvědčení požadovaná SVS ČR pro účast na mezinárodních závodech pro rok 2005. Týká se všech koní zúčastněných na závodech!!
4.2.Pořadatel zajistí veterinárního lékaře, který provede přejímku všech startujících koní (čl.518.2)
Přejímka bude provedena dne 4.8.2005 od 12.00 do 17.00 hodin!!

5. Poskytované služby:

5.1.Lékařská služba : MUDr. BROŽ
5.2.Veterinární dozor : MVDr. Rostislav HYKSA
5.3.Veterinární služba: MVDr. Rostislav HYKSA - proti úhradě
5.4.Podkovářská služba: František Kocourek - proti úhradě.

6. Ostatní ustanovení:

6.1.Vítěz MČR získá titul Mistr ČR ve všestrannosti pro rok 2005.
6.2.Prví tři umístění v MČR obdrží medaile.
6.3.Dekorování soutěží podle PJS

7. Předběžný časový program:

Čtvrtek 4.8.2005 12.00 - 17.00 hod - přejímka koní (čl.518.2)
17.00 hod - ukončení prezentace
18.00 hod - prohlídka trati
20.00 hod - deklarace startu + technická porada

Pátek 5.8.2005 09.00 hod - 1. start v drezurní zkoušce

Sobota 09.00 hod - l. start v terénní zkoušce

Neděle 09.00 hod - 3. kontrola koní (čl. 518.2)
11.00 hod - l. start ve skokové zkoušce

Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo na případnou změnu časového programu.
Dekorování. předání cen a medailí - po ukončení skokové zkoušky.

Ředitel závodů

Mgr. Petr PUCANDL v.r.

V Pardubicích dne 8. června 2005.

Rozpis Mistrovství ČR ve všestrannosti jun. a dětí byl schválen VV ČJF dne : _________

Za VV ČJF : mgr. Jaroslav Sedláček

2 0 0 5 E V E N T I N G

D R A F T S C H E D U L E - C H E C K L I S T


1. TYPE OF EVENT (Art. 103 & 503)

Without Steeple-chase
CATEGORY : Senior / Young Rider


DATE : August 4 – 7, 2005

PLACE : Pardubice (racecourse, 100 km from Prague)

COUNTRY : Czech Republic


Czech Equestrian Federation, Atletická 100/2, 160 17 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 220 511 105, Fax: +420 233 354 399, E-mail: info@cjf.cz, Website: www.cjf.cz


Honorary President: Mr. Jiří STŘÍTESKÝ
President of the Event: Mr. Miroslav PETRÁN
Director of the Horse Racing Society Pardubice
Show Secretary: Ms. Jana PETRÁNOVÁ
Press Officer: Mr. Karel ŠIMANA


Name: Mr. Petr PUCANDL
Address: Horse Racing Society Pardubice, Pražská 607, 530 02, Pardubice, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 466 797 111, Fax: +420 466 335 304, Mobile phone: +420 777 750 940
E-mail: racecourse@ipnet.cz, website: www.pardubice-racecourse.cz

The event will be run in accordance with:
• FEI Statutes, 21st Edition, 21th April 2004
• FEI General Regulations, 21st Edition, 1st January 2005
• FEI Veterinary Regulations, 9th edition 2002
• FEI Rules for Eventing, 21st Edition 2003 + modifications 2005
• All subsequent corrections and modifications as published by the FEI with its provisions taking precedence.
An arbitration procedure is provided for in the FEI “Statutes” and “General Regulations” referred to above. In accordance with this procedure, any appeal against a decision rendered by the FEI or its official bodies is to be settled exclusively by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne, Switzerland.

III TENTATIVE TIMETABLE (Art. 510.3 & 518) to include:

• Veterinary Examination: Aug. 2-4, 2005
• Official Course Inspection: Aug. 4, 2005
• Declaration of Starters: Aug. 4, 2005
• 1st Start – Dressage: Aug. 5, 2005
• 1st Start Cross-Country Phases: Aug. 6, 2005
• 3rd Horse Inspection: Aug. 7, 2005
• 1st Start – Jumping: Aug. 7, 2005
• Prize giving: Aug. 7, 2005

IV OFFICIALS (last name, first name and nationality)

1. GROUND JURY (Art. 148 & 552.1.1/1.2 - Table)

President: Mr. Jan PALEČEK (CZE)
Member: Mr. Jaroslav PECHÁČEK (CZE)

2. (FOREIGN) TECHNICAL DELEGATE (Art. 156, 157 & 552.1.1/1.2 - Table)

Name: Mr. G. Mészáros (HUN)
Name Assistant Technical Delegate: Mr. Zdeněk KUSÝ (CZE)

3. COURSE DESIGNER (Art. 155 & 552.1.1/1.2 - Table)
Name: Mr. Jaroslav GRODL (CZE)

4. CHIEF STEWARD (Art. 144, 552.1.5)
Name: Mr. Jan METELKA (CZE)
Assistant: Mr. Bohumil REJNEK (CZE)
Assistant: Mr. Erich LUST (CZE)

6. VETERINARY DELEGATE & ASSOCIATE MEMBER (Art. 158, 551.4 & 552.1.3)
Name: MVDr. Ivan JENÍK (CZE)


1. DRESSAGE (Art. 526, Annex 2 of the “Rules for Eventing”)
.1 TEST (please state which test will be used):
Events Two Star (CCI/CIC) Events FEI 2005 Two Star A


Dimensions: 20 x 60
Sand [ ] or Grass [ x ]


Dimensions: 20 x 60
Sand [x ] or Grass [x ]

2. CROSS-COUNTRY (Annex 5a - CCIs with Steeple-chase & Annex 5b - CICs)
Phases A C B D
Type of ground Grass
Length 4 500
Speed 550
Approx. number of efforts/obstacles / 30/35

3. JUMPING (Annex 5a for CCIs & Annex 5b for CICs)
Type of ground: Sand [ ] grass [x ]
Distance: 400 – 500 m
Speed: 350 m/min
Number of efforts: 14
Number of Obstacles: 10 - 11
Height obstacles 2* = 120 cm
Exercise Areas: Length: 200 m Width: 150 m
Sand [ ] Grass [ x ]

All Riders participating in any International Eventing competition must be registered with the FEI. (Art 511.1)

Each NF must certify the qualification of each horse and rider and list the competitions which enabled horse and rider to qualify, according to the qualification procedure established for each star level as laid out in Art. 506. Please include the relevant article in the schedule.
“1. Principles
1.1 A type/level of qualification gives the possibility to compete at the different types/levels of competitions.
1.2 A type/level of qualification can apply to horses, riders, or combinations of horse and rider. Such qualifications for horses and riders may be achieved separately except for Championships when at least one must be achieved as a combination
1.3 Type of qualification refers to the format of the competition: CCI or CIC.
1.4 Level of qualification refers to the level and category of the competition: One Star (), Two Star (), Three Star (), Four Star (), and CCI, CCIO, CH
1.5 Deadlines for qualification:
o for Championships: 4 weeks prior to the first Dressage day of the event.
o for CCIOs, CCIs and CICs: 2 weeks prior to the first Dressage day of the event unless an earlier date is specified in the Schedule.
1.6 The qualification for a specific type/level of competition is obtained by achieving the qualifying results set out in Art. 506.2/3/4 below. All such results must be obtained within the calendar year of the type/level to be attempted and/or the two previous calendar years.
1.7 Once a horse or rider has obtained one qualifying result competing at a specific type/level of competition, he remains qualified to compete again (without further qualification) at the same type/level or to use that qualifying result to compete at a higher level for the rest of the calendar year and two further calendar years. If there have been no further qualifying results at the same type/level in that period, he may, for the next 12 months after that, renew the qualification by achieving two further qualifying results at the same level at CNC or CIC. He then remains qualified to compete again, without further qualification at the same type/level or to use the qualification to compete at a higher level for the rest of the calendar year and two further calendar years.
Example: Once a horse has achieved a qualifying result in, say, a CCI* he can compete in another one many years later with two further qualifying results in CNCs. If however he wishes to compete at a CCI* when his qualification has run out at the end of the two year period, he must renew his whole qualification, including another CCI.
1.8 A specific type/level of qualification will automatically “drop down” a star level if conditions under point 6 are not met during the current and 2 preceding calendar years prior to the event and condition under point 7 has not been met or has expired (more than 2 calendar years have passed following the year in which the last qualifying result at that type/level has been achieved). The new level of qualification will last two more calendar years and eventually “drop down” again if during that period conditions under point 6 or 7 relevant to that type/level are not met and so on.
1.9 Championships require one or more qualifying results, achieved as a combination, in an International competition of the same type and star level (except for 4 star Championships where those results can also be achieved at 3 star level).
1.10 A qualifying result is achieved by completing a competition within minimum parameters of all round performance. As of 2002: not more than 75 penalty points in the dressage test (and not less than 50% of Dressage good marks before 2002), not more than 20 penalties at obstacles on the Cross Country Test, not more than 90 seconds exceeding the optimum Cross Country time, not more than 16 penalties at obstacles from 2002 (and not more than 20 before 2002) on Show Jumping Test. At qualifying events at the 4 star level only (CH, CCIO, CCI) from 2005 on the maximum time by which the optimum time may be exceeded is 120 seconds.
1.11 NFs are responsible for certifying that the horses and riders entered in international competitions comply with the relevant type/level of qualification.
1.12 All national competitions used for qualification procedure must be certified by their NF to be of at least equivalent standard of difficulty of the relevant international star level of competition.
1.13 Any horse or rider qualified to compete at one level is automatically also qualified to compete at a lower level.
1.14 When a qualifying result at a certain level is required (e.g. CCI*), a qualifying result at a higher level (e.g. CCI**) is also valid.
1.15 Exemption from Qualifying Standards
o Championships - no exemptions will be permitted.
o CCIO/CCI/CIC - under exceptional circumstances, the FEI may, with the agreement of the Organising Committee of a CCIO/CCI/CIC and the NF of the host country, waive the qualifying standard for a horse and rider, but only at the specific written request of the rider's NF. Such a request must be accompanied by the reasons for the request and a detailed summary of both the horse and rider's performance record, including all the horse's competitions at national and international One Day Events and Three Day Events during the current and previous year. Such exemptions will be considered only for specific selection purposes for Championships/Games.
1.16 The Technical Delegate or his nominee shall check that all horses and riders starting at a CCIO/CCI/CIC are properly certified as qualified by their NF or duly exempted in accordance with this article. For Senior Continental and World Championships, NFs must send to the FEI a Certificate of Capability including a record of results, proving that their competitor and horse are qualified according to the requirements by the date of the nominated entries.
1.17 With the approval of their own NF and the FEI, OCs of CCIs and CICs may impose additional qualifications for horses and/or riders, which must be published in the schedule for the event.
One Day Event Competitions (CIC)
Level of qualifications Listed competitions
2 qualifying results must be achieved out of any of the following competitions:
- CNC to be certified by NFs of at least the same star level (two star)
- CCN to be certified by NFs of at least the same star level (two star)
- CIC *
- CCI *
- CCIO *
- CH *

VIII ENTRIES (Art. 121 & 510)
Competitors are entered by the Organising Committee through their NF (Art. 121.1 will apply)

The Closing Date for entries of CCI/CICs is established by the OC
• Closing date: July 25, 2005
• Entry fee per horse: 165 EURO

IX INVITATIONS (Art. 107, 108, 120, 507 & Annex 8):
Competitors are invited by the Organising Committee through their NF (Art. 120.1 will apply)

One groom per rider (Art. 507)

Number of NFs invited: 12
Number of home riders: 15
Number of riders per NF: 15
Number of horses per rider: 2

Include details of ballot procedure if entries are excessive.

X FACILITIES OFFERED (Art. 132, 133 & 508)

Hotels: 1. Hotel “Labe”, Masarykovo náměstí 2633, 530 02 Pardubice, Czech Republic Tel: +420 466 535 359

2. Hotel “Zlatá štika”, Štrossova 127, 530 03 Pardubice, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 466 052 100

2. GROOMS - Requests for accommodation must be sent with entries
Accommodation: University of Pardubice, Student’s Campus, Studentská 202, 530 09 Pardubice, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 466 036 253

Transport expenses: Are not covered by the OC.
Stabling arrangements: From August 2 to August 8, 2005. Cost to be paid by a competitor at 35 EUR per horse per all days.
Feeding: Paid by the organizers (hay, straw).

4. WELCOME - The time and date of arrival of riders and horses and their means of transport must be given to the OC in order to facilitate them on arrival.

5. LOCAL TRANSPORTATION - Arrangements from Accommodation to Showgrounds

No special arrangements.

The competitors are authorised to carry the logo of their personal sponsor in accordance with Art. 136.1 & 2 (compulsory for all events)
yes x no 


Name of horse transport company representing the OC:

Full address: Horse Racing Society Pardubice, Pražská 607, 530 02 Pardubice, Czech
Phone: +420 466 797 111
Fax: +420 466 335 304

Details on compulsory health tests and, where applicable, quarantine, etc.
Please annex specimen import licences (for Laboratory Health Tests), which will be applied to horses attending this event.

XIV VETERINARY ASPECTS (Art. 1004.2, 1005, 1011, 1021.1 & 518)
1. EVENT TREATING VETERINARIAN (must be different from the Official Veterinary Delegate)

MVDr. Rostislav HYKSA
Mobile phone +420 602 186 181

These will be carried out in accordance with the “Veterinary Regulations”, Art. 1011 &“ Rules for Eventing” & Art. 518.1 for CCIs and 518.2 for CICs.

All horses participating in any level of International Eventing competition must be registered with the FEI.

Art. 511.2.2
Every horse entered for any competition at CCNs, CICs*/ or CCIs* in a foreign country, and all horses entered for CICs*, CCIs*//, CCIOs, Championships, Regional and Olympic Games, whether at home or in foreign countries, must have an official FEI Passport, or a National Passport approved by the FEI, as a means of identification and to establish ownership.
Art. 511.2.3
Horses taking part in CCNs, CICs*/ or CCIs* in the country in which they are resident are not required to have such a passport as is mentioned Paragraph 2.2. All such horses must be properly registered and identifiable by diagram. Unless there is no national requirement for equine influenza vaccination in the host country and in the country of origin, all horses must have a valid vaccination certificate.

All horses and ponies for which an FEI Passport, or a National Passport approved by the FEI has been issued, must have the vaccination section endorsed by a veterinarian, stating that it has received two injections for primary vaccination against equine influenza, given between 1 and 3 months apart. In addition, a booster injection must be recorded as having been given within each succeeding 6 months, subsequent to the second injection of the primary vaccination. None of these injections must have been given within the preceding 7 days including the day of the competition or of entry into the competition stables.

The above are the minimum requirements for influenza vaccination. Both primary and first and subsequent booster injections should be given according to the manufacturer's instructions which will fall within the stipulation of the FEI ruling.

Regular sampling is carried out in CCI*/, CCIOs, World Cup Qualifiers and Finals, Championships and Games, whereas at other CCIs sampling is recommended. In CCIs*/, the number of horses tested is at the discretion of the Testing Veterinarian/Veterinary Delegate; however, a minimum of three is recommended (Vet. Regs. Art. 1016).

Special guidelines are applicable for events covered by the FEI Medication Control Programme (Groups I & II only).

The Organising Committees of FEI events within Groups I & II are advised to charge competitors the equivalent of CHF 12.50 per horse per event as a contribution towards the costs of the MCP programme.

Details of FEI Approved Laboratory appointed to carry out analyses on samples collected at this event (“Veterinary Regulations”, Art. 1021 & Annex IX).

Address : Carl-Diem-Weg 6, 509 33 Koln

Under the Medication Control Programme (MCP) in Groups I and II, all samples collected in accordance with Vet. Regs. Art. 1016 will be analysed by the Laboratoire des Courses Hippiques, Verrières-le-Buisson, France. The central MCP laboratory will be reviewed in June 2005. Please refer to FEI Bulletin for further information. For events other than those listed in Vet. Regs. Art. 1016 or for events other than in Groups I and II, samples may be analysed at an alternative FEI listed laboratory (Vet. Regs. Art. 1021).


All complaints to be valid must be made in writing and accompanied by a deposit of CHF 150 or equivalent.

2. PRIZE CLASSIFICATION (Art. 128, 129 & 130)

Total amount of prize money: 3 750 EUR

Prize distribution: 1 250 EUR, 780 EUR, 625 EUR, 470 EUR, 250 EUR,…


The amounts above 320 EUR are subject to the Czech government tax.


Doctor: MUDr. Tomáš BROŽ, Pardubice
Veterinarian: MVDr. Rostislav HYKSA – mobile phone +420 602 186 181
Farrier: Mr. František KOCOUREK – mobile phone +420 605 810 837

5. MEDICAL CARD (Annex 7 of the “Rules for Eventing”)
OCs must draw the attention of all competitors that they must carry readily accessible on themselves a medical card (see Annex I of this Check List) for the Cross-Country Test. Armbands must be checked by the OC upon arrival to the competition by the riders and checked by the Official Doctor and the Technical Delegate for accurate information.


"All owners and competitors are personally responsible for damages to third parties caused by themselves, their employees, their agents or their horses. They are therefore strongly advised to take out a third-party insurance providing full coverage for participation in equestrian events at home and abroad and to keep the policy up to date".

7. EVENT'S ORGANISATION (Art. 114 & 115)
The OC reserves the right to modify the schedule in order to clarify any matters or matters arising from an omission or due to unforeseen circumstances. All modifications made to the schedule must have the approval of the FEI Secretary General.


Free for rider, groom, 2 owners per horse.


Stewarding will be ensured by the OC.

CODE OF CONDUCT (updated 2003)
The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI expects all those involved in international equestrian sport to adhere to the FEI’s Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial influences.

1. At all stages during the preparation and training of competition horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands. This includes good horse management, training methods, farriery and tack, and transportation.

2. Horses and competitors must be fit, competent and in good health before they are allowed to compete. This encompasses medication use, surgical procedures that threaten welfare or safety, pregnancy in mares and the misuse of aids.

3. Events must not prejudice horse welfare. This involves paying careful attention to the competition areas, ground surfaces, weather conditions, stabling, site safety and fitness of the horse for onward travel after the event.

4. Every effort must be made to ensure that horses receive proper attention after they have competed and that they are treated humanely when their competition careers are over. This covers proper veterinary care, competition injuries, euthanasia and retirement.

5. The FEI urges all involved with the sport to attain the highest levels of education in their areas of expertise.

XVII Results
As of 2004 and in order to be able to proceed with the results publication for qualification purposes, the FEI will require the results to be sent in immediately after the events. Please refer to compulsory format for CCIs and CICs. Results to be sent by e-mail to f.diserens@horsesport.org, preferably on Excel file immediately after the event. All results must include FEI Passport Registration number of horses. All riders who have not completed the event must appear on the results sheets. Please also inform us of the exact distance of the Cross-country course.

Final approval of this Draft Schedule by the FEI, in accordance with Art. 115.1 denotes only that the contents are conform to the FEI Statutes, General Regulations and Rules. By no means does this entail implicit acceptance of any liability of the FEI for any damages to third parties caused by the Organising Committee and its officials, riders, owners, and their horses.

Approved by the FEI under the conditions and the corrections made above.


Catrin Norinder
Eventing & Olympic Departments

Lausanne, 23. May 2005.

Please publish in the definite schedule: Approved by the FEI and date.

Schedules for CICs, CCIs, Championships and Games are approved by the FEI.

Schedules for these events must be sent to the FEI Secretariat for approval by the NF concerned, 16 weeks before the event is due to take place.

Definite schedules must be sent to the FEI Secretariat by the NFs concerned 4 weeks before the event takes place.

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